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God Will Judge Us | ![]() |
God will separate
us into two groups
Closest related principles - Core Interrelations taken from interrelations below.
God the Father and Jesus his Son continue working. They are together and show the principles by what they do. Jesus gives life to whom he is pleased to give it, and He has been given authority to judge whether we believe His word and do good (whether we really love the Lord more than our selfish ways), because as a man he knows us. Those who do these things have eternal life, those who don't will be condemned. Jesus seeks to please God the Father, and judges according to His principles. Jesus' work shows He came from the Father. Believing in Jesus brings God and his word into you, so don't refuse him and side with others. Refusing to put effort into following his teachings keeps people from believing. Believe and live! (principles from JH5:16-5:47)
Even though we are all so frail, Jesus is coming back to Judge, looking to see who overcame their harmful desires and is applying the principles (one is believing in Him); so apply them now, don't wait, it's essential, essential, essential, the Judge is coming! He will separate those who applied them from those who didn't. (principles from MT24:3-26:2)
Click the gold underlined Scripture references above to see the gospel episodes. Click study guide for more information about this and the Word Universe. Or click Site Overview.
Closest related principles - Core Interrelations taken from interrelations below.
Jesus teaches us the truth, not the
other way around; he said we need to be baptized in water and be filled with this
mysterious Spirit of God. He said we need to believe in a
Savior sent from God to enter this eternal life; otherwise we perish. Hating good keeps you from coming to Christ, doing good aligns you to
want to be seen as belonging to God. He said God loves us. (principles from JH2:23-3:21)
Jesus has authority to teach the words of God to us because He came from Him. Believing and accepting Jesus brings eternal life, rejecting Him brings death. This life consists of being filled with the Holy Spirit, who satisfies our cravings. Then we truly will worship God. Right now in this world we must do the work of God until it is finished, and it is difficult to do His work in this world. (principles from JH3:22-4:42)
Prideful people can not even manage to get their questions answered, while the humble believer has whatever he asks. The fruit or lack of fruit due to rejecting Christ is evident, and so is your placement either in or out of God's Eternal Kingdom. (principles from MT21:17-46)
Our Teacher said serving is the greatest, he who humbles himself. Woe to the hypocrite! (prideful one) Rather have mercy on your neighbor. Having faith in God you can overcome your harmful desires through actions such as these. Otherwise you will be deceived by your unbelieving heart, as evidenced by what your life visibly produces. Refusal brings judgement into eternal fire because it shows a prideful will to not believe God's Word about Jesus, and not put yourself at His command to love your neighbor. (principles from MT23:1-39)
God will enable you to believe in spite of the persecution you will endure on your journey. Satan tries to disrupt your walk with God, and some unbelievers bring persecution and death to believers. In the end we will all be rewarded by Christ according to our works, and nothing can change his decision. (principles from MT16:13-28) Applying the principles in view of the world will cost you your old lifestyle and possibly your body, but you have to do it. (principles from MK8:31-38) Better to deny yourself daily, unashamedly tell the gospel, and be persecuted than to gain the whole world and be eternally condemned. (principles from LK9:18-27)
Love the Lord (to love Him you have to believe in Him) and your neighbor, seeking their good, offering help to relieve their suffering, and you will be judged to live. (principles from LK10:25-37)
Click the gold underlined Scripture references above to see the gospel episodes. Click study guide for more information about this and the Word Universe. Or click Site Overview.
Christ will be our
final Judge
Closest related principles - Core Interrelations taken from interrelations below.
God the Father and Jesus
his Son continue working. They are together and show the principles by what they do. Jesus
gives life to whom he is pleased to give it, and He
has been given authority to judge whether we believe
His word and do good (whether we really love the Lord more than our selfish
ways), because as a man he knows us. Those who do these things have eternal life,
those who don't will be condemned. Jesus seeks to please God the Father, and judges
according to His principles. Jesus' work shows He came from the Father. Believing in Jesus
brings God and his word into you, so don't refuse him and side with others. Refusing to
put effort into following his teachings keeps people from believing. Believe and live!
(principles from JH5:16-5:47)
Even though we are all so frail, Jesus is coming back to Judge, looking to see who overcame their harmful desires and is applying the principles (one is believing in Him); so apply them now, don't wait, it's essential, essential, essential, the Judge is coming! He will separate those who applied them from those who didn't. (principles from MT24:3-26:2)
Some unbelievers deceive people away from the truth, from God Himself. They and their followers will be exposed and judged unfavorably, and what they did in private will be proclaimed to everyone. As for open harmfulness, God will take away the life of anyone who is greedy for possessions and a life of leisure. Give a large portion of your wealth to the poor (see also LK 19:1-10), and don't wait. Be ready to meet the Lord. We all must repent or perish. Though the Lord is patient, our time does have a limit. (principles from LK11:53-13:9)
And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for [destined to cause WU] the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against; ........ that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed. LK2:25-35
Those that like to impress others and be honored publicly, but take advantage of those in difficult circumstances, will be punished most severely. The poor who give to God are honored. (principles from MK12:35-13:2)
Repent, confess your harmfulness, prepare the way for the Lord to come into your life. A godly heritage won't save you. If you don't produce good fruit, (apply the principles), you will be thrown into hell. Those who repent will be cleansed by and given life in the Holy Spirit, but will also pass through trials. (principles from MT3:1-12)
Repentance is shown by how we try to apply the principles. God will throw those who refuse to repent into unquenchable fire. Those who repent will be cleansed by and given life in the Holy Spirit, but will also pass through trials. (principles from LK3:1-18)
God will enable you to believe in spite of the persecution you will endure on your journey. Satan tries to disrupt your walk with God, and some unbelievers bring persecution and death to believers. In the end we will all be rewarded by Christ according to our works, and nothing can change his decision. (principles from MT16:13-28) Applying the principles in view of the world will cost you your old lifestyle and possibly your body, but you have to do it. (principles from MK8:31-38) Better to deny yourself daily, unashamedly tell the gospel, and be persecuted than to gain the whole world and be eternally condemned. (principles from LK9:18-27)
Click the gold underlined Scripture references above to see the gospel episodes. Click study guide for more information about this and the Word Universe. Or click Site Overview.
Closest related principles - Core Interrelations taken from interrelations below.
Serve, and do some
of the lowly work. Jesus sends us to carry the gospel to people; if they accept us they
accept Him and God. They will know we are His disciples by our love for each other. Do not
be troubled. Trust in Jesus, and believe that He is coming back to take us to heaven.
Jesus is the only true way to eternal life with God the Father. He is One with the Father,
speaking and living the principles of God since they live in each other, as the miracles
show. Believers will do what Jesus did and have His joy. Jesus loves and lives in them,
and so does God the Father and the Holy Spirit. When Jesus and the Father see you
continually applying their principles (one is to believe in them) and producing many lasting good results, they will
give you whatever you ask for in Jesus' name, and Jesus will give you His peace as well.
Whoever does not bear good results will be cut off from God and burned. Jesus knows you
love Him by the way you apply the principles, which is summed up by loving each other as
Jesus loves us. Doing much of this will bring glory to God, and He will reveal Himself to
us. As you love, some who belong to the world and hate God may hate you for speaking about
Jesus. Tell people about Jesus, even though some misjudge and hurt you. The Holy Spirit is here in the world convicting people of where
they stand before God, and making the Father's
principles known to us. Believing in Jesus brings God's love into your life, and through
Him you can overcome this troublesome world.(principles from JH13:1-16:33)
Click the gold underlined Scripture references above to see the gospel episodes. Click study guide for more information about this and the Word Universe. Or click Site Overview.