Study Guide  

acceptance/rejection of Christ determines which group

Core Interrelations

Jesus has authority to teach the words of God to us because He came from Him. Jesus teaches us the truth.

Jesus said we need to believe in a Savior sent from God to enter eternal life; otherwise we perish. He said we need to be baptized in water and be filled with the Spirit of God.

Hating good keeps you from coming to Christ, doing good aligns you to want to be seen as belonging to God.

Believing and accepting Jesus brings eternal life, rejecting Him brings death.

The fruit or lack of fruit due to rejecting Christ is evident, and so is your placement either in or out of God's Eternal Kingdom.

Woe to the hypocrite! (prideful one) Rather have mercy on your neighbor. Having faith in God you can overcome your harmful desires through actions such as these. Otherwise you will be deceived by your unbelieving heart, as evidenced by what your life visibly produces. Refusal brings judgement into eternal fire because it shows a prideful will to not believe God's Word about Jesus, and not put yourself at His command to love your neighbor. Prideful people can not even manage to get their questions answered, while the humble believer has whatever he asks.

Better to deny yourself daily, unashamedly tell the gospel, and be persecuted than to gain the whole world and be eternally condemned.

Love the Lord (to love Him you have to believe in Him) and your neighbor, seeking their good, offering help to relieve their suffering, and you will be judged to live.

Major Connections

+    Accepting Jesus, and accepting the words of God He teaches us, the truth.

+    Accepting Jesus, and believing in Him as your Savior sent from God, and entering eternal life.

+    Accepting Jesus, and being baptized in water and being filled with the Spirit of God.

+    Accepting Jesus, and doing good, producing good fruit, loving your neighbor.

+    Accepting Jesus, and denying yourself daily, unashamedly telling the gospel.

+    Accepting Jesus, and loving the Lord and your neighbor.

-    Rejecting Christ, and hating good.

-    Rejecting Christ, and the lack of producing good fruit.

-    Rejecting Christ, and being deceived by your unbelieving heart.

-    Rejecting Christ, and death, being outside God's Kingdom, perishing, eternal condemnation.

Episode Interrelations            Principle Passages

CORE: Jesus teaches us the truth, not the other way around; he said we need to be baptized in water and be filled with this mysterious Spirit of God. He said
we need to believe in a Savior sent from God to enter this eternal life; otherwise we perish. Hating good keeps you from coming to Christ, doing good aligns you to want to be seen as belonging to God. Jesus has authority to teach the words of God to us because He came from Him. Believing and accepting Jesus brings eternal life, rejecting Him brings death. Prideful people can not even manage to get their questions answered, while the humble believer has whatever he asks. The fruit or lack of fruit due to rejecting Christ is evident, and so is your placement either in or out of God's Eternal Kingdom. Woe to the hypocrite! (prideful one) Rather have mercy on your neighbor. Having faith in God you can overcome your harmful desires through actions such as these. Otherwise you will be deceived by your unbelieving heart, as evidenced by what your life visibly produces. Refusal brings judgement into eternal fire because it shows a prideful will to not believe God's Word about Jesus, and not put yourself at His command to love your neighbor. Better to deny yourself daily, unashamedly tell the gospel, and be persecuted than to gain the whole world and be eternally condemned. Love the Lord (to love Him you have to believe in Him) and your neighbor, seeking their good, offering help to relieve their suffering, and you will be judged to live.

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