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Authority Of Christ And Who He Is | ![]() |
Closest related principles - Core Interrelations taken from interrelations below.
Jesus shows the world true life; follow Him and you will continually have it. Jesus came from God the Father and if you believe in Him you will not die in the midst of your harmful ways. Since Jesus always lives by and speaks according to what he learned from the Father, the Father is with him. If you hold to Jesus' teachings (one is to believe in Him), you are really his disciple and will know and be set free by the truth. People are enslaved by their harmful ways, but Jesus can set us free if we choose to accept the truth of His teachings for our lives. Repent, choose to follow Jesus, who is God, because you really need Him to live. Otherwise, we will not recognize that Jesus is God, and does no harm. (principles from JH8:12-59)Jesus is the Savior of the world and if you do what he says you will reap the benefits. Jesus came from the Father and if you believe in Him you will be saved. He says what God says, so apply it and reap the benefits. You can't fool God and He sees your frailty; He knows when you hate accepting what's good.
God the Father and Jesus his Son continue working. They are together and show the principles by what they do. Jesus gives life to whom he is pleased to give it, and He has been given authority to judge whether we believe His word and do good (whether we really love the Lord more than our selfish ways), because as a man he knows us. Those who do these things have eternal life, those who don't will be condemned. Jesus seeks to please God the Father, and judges according to His principles. Jesus' work shows He came from the Father. Believing in Jesus brings God and his word into you, so don't refuse him and side with others. Refusing to put effort into following his teachings keeps people from believing. Believe and live! (principles from JH5:16-5:47)
Love brings depth.
He who applies the principles of God in this world, risks his own neck.
In the
beginning, Jesus is God.
Repent, turn your hearts to God, because He's coming this way.
(principles from JH1:1-34)
"Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us." MT 1:23
Click the gold underlined Scripture references above to see the gospel episodes. Click study guide for more information about this and the Word Universe. Or click Site Overview.
Closest related principles - Core Interrelations taken from interrelations below.
Hating good will keep
you from believing in Jesus. They who love good and can see that Jesus is doing good as God does good, will be
protected from destruction by Jesus, who is one with God the
Father Almighty/Creator
Serve, and do some of the lowly work. Jesus sends us to carry the gospel to people; if they accept us they accept Him and God. They will know we are His disciples by our love for each other. Do not be troubled. Trust in Jesus, and believe that He is coming back to take us to heaven. Jesus is the only true way to eternal life with God the Father. He is One with the Father, speaking and living the principles of God since they live in each other, as the miracles show. Believers will do what Jesus did and have His joy. Jesus loves and lives in them, and so does God the Father and the Holy Spirit. When Jesus and the Father see you continually applying their principles (one is to believe in them) and producing many lasting good results, they will give you whatever you ask for in Jesus' name, and Jesus will give you His peace as well. Whoever does not bear good results will be cut off from God and burned. Jesus knows you love Him by the way you apply the principles, which is summed up by loving each other as Jesus loves us. Doing much of this will bring glory to God, and He will reveal Himself to us. As you love, some who belong to the world and hate God may hate you for speaking about Jesus. Tell people about Jesus, even though some misjudge and hurt you. The Holy Spirit is here in the world convicting people of where they stand before God, and making the Father's principles known to us. Believing in Jesus brings God's love into your life, and through Him you can overcome this troublesome world. (principles from JH13:1-16:33) .................................... Jesus has authority over all of us; we need the Father and Son to bring us into eternal life, which is knowing Him. We will glorify Him by doing all the work He has given us to do. Jesus and the Father are one; the Father will protect us to keep His people one with each other. The Father and the Son will be in us, and us in them. Jesus is giving us all His joy. Even though the world hates us, God will protect us from the evil one. And through Jesus, we can overcome our own harmful desires. The world will know Jesus came from God and that God loves us when they see we believers are in God, and when they see the way believers love each other and the complete unity God brings about in us, which is a glorious thing. And these are things we pray about; that God will protect us from evil, make us one with each other, and set us apart by the truth of His word. Our believing in Jesus will bring us into heaven. God loves us and lives with us. (principles from JH17:1-17:26)
God the Father and Jesus his Son continue working. They are together and show the principles by what they do. Jesus gives life to whom he is pleased to give it, and He has been given authority to judge whether we believe His word and do good (whether we really love the Lord more than our selfish ways), because as a man he knows us. Those who do these things have eternal life, those who don't will be condemned. Jesus seeks to please God the Father, and judges according to His principles. Jesus' work shows He came from the Father. Believing in Jesus brings God and his word into you, so don't refuse him and side with others. Refusing to put effort into following his teachings keeps people from believing. Believe and live! (principles from JH5:16-5:47)
Click the gold underlined Scripture references above to see the gospel episodes. Click study guide for more information about this and the Word Universe. Or click Site Overview.
sees and came to earth from the Father
Closest related principles - Core Interrelations taken from interrelations below.
To do the work of God is to believe in Jesus,
the One God sent to us to save us from sin (harm) and evil. That
said, don't be insensitive to His communication toward you; He wants and can enable you to
live like He does, and wants to keep you. Believe and be saved! Listen to and learn
from what God says so you can tell the difference between right and wrong. This will help
a lot, make it natural for you to home in as God draws you in to believing in Jesus, who came from Him,
and be saved. Then God will live in you and He will enable you to succeed at applying His
principles, overcoming all your harmful desires. (principles from JH6:25-6:65)
Being forceful and sensitive helps you see God's call unmistakably and take the right actions, proving your alignment with God. God disconnects from people who refuse the authority of Jesus after God makes Jesus real to them; this Jesus who came from Him. Those who accept Jesus find rest for their souls. Understanding how important it is to God that we show people mercy helps us clearly distinguish right from wrong. (principles from MT11:7-12:8)
Jesus has authority to teach the words of God to us because He came from Him. Believing and accepting Jesus brings eternal life, rejecting Him brings death. This life consists of being filled with the Holy Spirit, who satisfies our cravings. Then we truly will worship God. Right now in this world we must do the work of God until it is finished, and it is difficult to do His work in this world. (principles from JH3:22-4:42)
Jesus shows the world true life; follow Him and you will continually have it. Jesus came from God the Father and if you believe in Him you will not die in the midst of your harmful ways. Since Jesus always lives by and speaks according to what he learned from the Father, the Father is with him. If you hold to Jesus' teachings (one is to believe in Him), you are really his disciple and will know and be set free by the truth. People are enslaved by their harmful ways, but Jesus can set us free if we choose to accept the truth of His teachings for our lives. Otherwise, we will not recognize that Jesus is God, and does no harm. (principles from JH8:12-59)
If you try to live by God's true principles you will find out that Jesus came from the Father. (principles from JH18:28-40)
Click the gold underlined Scripture references above to see the gospel episodes. Click study guide for more information about this and the Word Universe. Or click Site Overview.
Closest related principles - Core Interrelations taken from interrelations below.
Believe that Jesus has the power to heal, because he does.
(principles from MK5:30-34)
Asking the Lord's mercy brings His healing power into our lives. Jesus
involves us in His miraculous work and protects our relationship with God. The humble worship Jesus.
(principles from MT20:29-21:16)
Prideful people can not even manage to get their questions answered,
while the humble believer has WHATEVER he asks. The fruit or lack of fruit due to
rejecting Christ is evident, and so is your placement either in or out of God's Eternal
Kingdom. (principles from MT21:17-46)
Jesus has eternal authority and power. (principles from LK1:26-38)
After defeating Satan, Jesus came back in
the power of the Spirit to heal us and set us free
from the harm that imprisons and oppresses us. (principles from LK4:14-21)
Click the gold underlined Scripture references above to see the gospel episodes. Click study guide for more information about this and the Word Universe. Or click Site Overview.
Closest related principles - Core Interrelations taken from interrelations below.
Jesus has authority
over all of us; we need the Father and Son to bring us into
eternal life, which is knowing Him. We will glorify Him by doing all the work He has given
us to do. Jesus and the Father are one; the Father will protect
us to keep His people one with each other. The Father and the Son will be in us, and us in
them. Jesus is giving us all His joy. Even though the world hates us, God will protect us
from the evil one. And through Jesus, we can overcome our own harmful desires. The world
will know Jesus came from God and that God loves us when they see we believers are in God, and when they see the way believers love
each other and the complete unity God brings about in us, which is a
glorious thing. And these are things we pray about; that God will protect us from evil,
make us one with each other, and set us apart by the truth of His word. Our believing in
Jesus will bring us into heaven. God loves us and lives with us. (principles from JH17:1-17:26)
Jesus has authority to teach the words of God to us because He came from Him. Believing and accepting Jesus brings eternal life, rejecting Him brings death. This life consists of being filled with the Holy Spirit, who satisfies our cravings. Then we truly will worship God. Right now in this world we must do the work of God until it is finished, and it is difficult to do His work in this world. (principles from JH3:22-4:42)
Believing in Jesus saves because He has the authority to forgive sins. He can make us clean, and it doesn't take Him long to do it. (principles from MK1:39-2:12)
God the Father and Jesus his Son continue working. They are together and show the principles by what they do. Jesus gives life to whom he is pleased to give it, and He has been given authority to judge whether we believe His word and do good (whether we really love the Lord more than our selfish ways), because as a man he knows us. Those who do these things have eternal life, those who don't will be condemned. Jesus seeks to please God the Father, and judges according to His principles. Jesus' work shows He came from the Father. Believing in Jesus brings God and his word into you, so don't refuse him and side with others. Refusing to put effort into following his teachings keeps people from believing. Believe and live! (principles from JH5:16-5:47)
Jesus conquered death and has authority over all life; therefore carry the gospel, baptize people, and teach them to apply God's will, the principles. (principles from MT28:1-20)
Being forceful and sensitive helps you see God's call unmistakably and take the right actions, proving your alignment with God. God disconnects from people who refuse the authority of Jesus after God makes Jesus real to them; this Jesus who came from Him. Those who accept Jesus find rest for their souls. Understanding how important it is to God that we show people mercy helps us clearly distinguish right from wrong. (principles from MT11:7-12:8)
Jesus has eternal authority and power. (principles from LK1:26-38)
Click the gold underlined Scripture references above to see the gospel episodes. Click study guide for more information about this and the Word Universe. Or click Site Overview.
Closest related principles - Core Interrelations taken from interrelations below.
Our Teacher said
serving is the greatest, he who humbles himself. Woe to the
hypocrite! (prideful one) Rather have mercy on your neighbor. Having faith in God you can overcome
your harmful
desires through actions such as these. Otherwise you will be deceived by your unbelieving
heart, as evidenced by what your life visibly produces. Refusal brings judgement into
eternal fire because it shows a prideful will to not believe God's Word about Jesus, and not put yourself at His command
to love
your neighbor. (principles from MT23:1-39)
As you begin really hearing (understanding) God's message, He will enable you to hear more and more. If you're insensitive, you won't sense God, and His presence and way will not enable you. Giving helps you get out of yourself and become sensitive to others. Believing produces growing which produces believing, and on and on. This is the path which is opposite to separation from God and doom. When you get to keep what you want, you give up the rest; if you don't want the Lord you will be separated from Him and judged unfavorably for not listening to the Teacher. (principles from MT13:1-13:52)
Jesus fulfills the Law and Prophets.
Broadcast the principles as you apply them yourself. (principles
from MT5:13-20)
Unbelievers you grew up with may
reject your new life in Christ. You can do amazing things to help people when you believe.
If you refuse the Teacher you will not overcome the harm from within.
Your insensitivity will cause
God to disconnect from you and then you will be overcome by your harmful desires.
(principles from principles from MT13:53-15:20)
Jesus has God the Father's approval to teach the principles, and tells us not to be afraid of God's presence. We are mistreated by some people that do not recognize that we belong to God and show the way to Him. Jesus does not like being around unbelief and perversion. The humble one asks for help and receives power to do the impossible through believing. (principles from MT17:1-21)
Jesus teaches us the truth, not the other way around; he said we need to be baptized in water and be filled with this mysterious Spirit of God. He said we need to believe in a Savior sent from God to enter this eternal life; otherwise we perish. Hating good keeps you from coming to Christ, doing good aligns you to want to be seen as belonging to God. He said God loves us. (principles from JH2:23-3:21)
God the Father and Jesus his Son continue working. They are together and show the principles by what they do. Jesus gives life to whom he is pleased to give it, and He has been given authority to judge whether we believe His word and do good (whether we really love the Lord more than our selfish ways), because as a man he knows us. Those who do these things have eternal life, those who don't will be condemned. Jesus seeks to please God the Father, and judges according to His principles. Jesus' work shows He came from the Father. Believing in Jesus brings God and his word into you, so don't refuse him and side with others. Refusing to put effort into following his teachings keeps people from believing. Believe and live! (principles from JH5:16-5:47)
And astonished by his answer, they became silent. Lk 20:26
Refusing God's invitation keeps you from believing.
The blessings of heaven come from following
the Teacher; He said to love the Lord and your neighbor. (principles from MT22:1-40)
Click the gold underlined Scripture references above to see the gospel episodes. Click study guide for more information about this and the Word Universe. Or click Site Overview.
Closest related principles - Core Interrelations taken from interrelations below.
Leave the lifeless
and go to your Savior, never
looking back. Then you will be ready to serve in the kingdom of God. Evil spirits and some unbelievers are
enemies to the believers, seek to harm the believers sent out amongst them, but believers
have power to overcome their power.
(principles from LK9:51-10:24)
Jesus teaches us the truth, not the other way around; he said we need to be baptized in water and be filled with this mysterious Spirit of God. He said we need to believe in a Savior sent from God to enter this eternal life; otherwise we perish. Hating good keeps you from coming to Christ, doing good aligns you to want to be seen as belonging to God. He said God loves us. (principles from JH2:23-3:21)
To do the work of God is to believe in Jesus, the One God sent to us to save us from sin (harm) and evil. That said, don't be insensitive to His communication toward you; He wants and can enable you to live like He does, and wants to keep you. Believe and be saved! Listen to and learn from what God says so you can tell the difference between right and wrong. This will help a lot, make it natural for you to home in as God draws you in to believing in Jesus, who came from Him, and be saved. Then God will live in you and He will enable you to succeed at applying His principles, overcoming all your harmful desires. (principles from JH6:25-6:65)
Jesus is the Savior of the world (Jesus shows the world true life; follow Him and you will continually have it) and if you do what he says you will reap the benefits, if you believe in Him you will not die in the midst of your harmful ways. Jesus came from the Father and if you believe in Him you will be saved. He says what God says, so apply it and reap the benefits. You can't fool God and He sees your frailty; He knows when you hate accepting what's good. Repent, choose to follow Jesus, who is God, because you really need Him to live. (principles from JH8:12-59) Jesus came from God the Father and since Jesus always lives by and speaks according to what he learned from the Father, the Father is with him. If you hold to Jesus' teachings (one is to believe in Him), you are really his disciple and will know and be set free by the truth. People are enslaved by their harmful ways, but Jesus can set us free if we choose to accept the truth of His teachings for our lives. Otherwise, we will not recognize that Jesus is God, and does no harm.
Sometimes the work of God is displayed in our life through overcoming severe hardships, and that's not going to happen as long as we're distracted with worldly endeavors, and as long as our pride is in place, ruling our life. Jesus protects His own from those kind of people, (what they themselves used to be), He saves them, blessing them with a full, full life. It's not easy being hated and misjudged by the world for the good things we do, but Jesus saves us. (principles from JH9:1-10:21)
Serve, and do some of the lowly work. Jesus sends us to carry the gospel to people; if they accept us they accept Him and God. They will know we are His disciples by our love for each other. Do not be troubled. Trust in Jesus, and believe that He is coming back to take us to heaven. Jesus is the only true way to eternal life with God the Father. He is One with the Father, speaking and living the principles of God since they live in each other, as the miracles show. Believers will do what Jesus did and have His joy. Jesus loves and lives in them, and so does God the Father and the Holy Spirit. When Jesus and the Father see you continually applying their principles (one is to believe in them) and producing many lasting good results, they will give you whatever you ask for in Jesus' name, and Jesus will give you His peace as well. Whoever does not bear good results will be cut off from God and burned. Jesus knows you love Him by the way you apply the principles, which is summed up by loving each other as Jesus loves us. Doing much of this will bring glory to God, and He will reveal Himself to us. As you love, some who belong to the world and hate God may hate you for speaking about Jesus. Tell people about Jesus, even though some misjudge and hurt you. The Holy Spirit is here in the world convicting people of where they stand before God, and making the Father's principles known to us. Believing in Jesus brings God's love into your life, and through Him you can overcome this troublesome world. (principles from JH13:1-16:33)
Click the gold underlined Scripture references above to see the gospel episodes. Click study guide for more information about this and the Word Universe. Or click Site Overview.
Life on Earth: What He did to Save Us from Everlasting Destruction
Closest related principles - Core Interrelations taken from interrelations below.
After defeating Satan,
Jesus came back in the power of the Spirit to heal us and set us free from the harm that imprisons and
oppresses us. (principles from LK4:14-21)
Repentance and forgiveness of sins (the harm you've done) through Jesus bring life and peace. (principles from LK1:67-1:79)
Though applying the principles is so difficult with the hatred people sometimes inflict on us and trying not to retaliate with that same hatred, Jesus brings us life. (principles from MT26:26-56)
A believer's death may spawn the birth of other believers. Those who love having their sinful (harmful) nature and the ways of this world as part of their life, and set their hearts on pursuing worldly things, will die forever, while those who hate all this and serve the Lord instead, even though they may be persecuted to death, will find eternal life. To serve Jesus you must follow Jesus' path, and you will be honored by God the Father. Jesus draws us into eternal life in heaven. Those who do not keep Jesus' teachings (and one of these is to believe in Him) do not know where their life is taking them. They do not produce the fruit of applying the principles of God, and will be condemned in the end. (principles from JH12:20-50)
Jesus conquered death and has authority over all life; therefore carry the gospel, baptize people, and teach them to apply God's will, the principles. (principles from MT28:1-20)
Jesus is our Life! Through His death on the cross and resurrection three days later we receive forgiveness of our sins and eternal life, when we repent and believe in Him as the Christ, the Son of God. Then God lives in us! Go tell others the gospel so they can have Him too! Don't be afraid! God will enable you and bless you with peace, so have no fear. Don't be insensitive to His words! (principles from LK24:13-53)
Click the gold underlined Scripture references above to see the gospel episodes. Click study guide for more information about this and the Word Universe. Or click Site Overview.
Closest related principles - Core Interrelations taken from interrelations below.
"And ye shall see the Son of man sitting on
[at] the right hand of power [the Mighty One WU], and coming in the clouds of heaven." Mk 14:62
Even though we are all so frail, Jesus is coming back to Judge, looking to see who overcame their harmful desires and is applying the principles (one is believing in Him); so apply them now, don't wait, it's essential, essential, essential, the Judge is coming! He will separate those who applied them from those who didn't. (principles from MT24:3-26:2)
Serve, and do some of the lowly work. Jesus sends us to carry the gospel to people; if they accept us they accept Him and God. They will know we are His disciples by our love for each other. Do not be troubled. Trust in Jesus, and believe that He is coming back to take us to heaven. Jesus is the only true way to eternal life with God the Father. He is One with the Father, speaking and living the principles of God since they live in each other, as the miracles show. Believers will do what Jesus did and have His joy. Jesus loves and lives in them, and so does God the Father and the Holy Spirit. When Jesus and the Father see you continually applying their principles (one is to believe in them) and producing many lasting good results, they will give you whatever you ask for in Jesus' name, and Jesus will give you His peace as well. Whoever does not bear good results will be cut off from God and burned. Jesus knows you love Him by the way you apply the principles, which is summed up by loving each other as Jesus loves us. Doing much of this will bring glory to God, and He will reveal Himself to us. As you love, some who belong to the world and hate God may hate you for speaking about Jesus. Tell people about Jesus, even though some misjudge and hurt you. The Holy Spirit is here in the world convicting people of where they stand before God, and making the Father's principles known to us. Believing in Jesus brings God's love into your life, and through Him you can overcome this troublesome world. (principles from JH13:1-16:33)
Click the gold underlined Scripture references above to see the gospel episodes. Click study guide for more information about this and the Word Universe. Or click Site Overview.