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Carrying The Gospel To The World, Making Disciples | ![]() |
Core Interrelations
Repent and follow Jesus, and then call others to repent and follow Jesus.
Jesus conquered death and has authority over all life; therefore carry the gospel, baptize people, and teach them to apply God's will, the principles.
Miraculous power available to the humble believer who repents of his sin (harmfulness); use that power to save people.
Major Connections
+ Calling others to repent and follow Jesus, and repenting and following Jesus yourself.
+ Carrying the gospel to people, and Jesus conquering death.
+ Carrying the gospel to people, and Jesus having authority over all life.
+ Carrying the gospel to people, and baptizing them and teaching them to apply God's principles.
+ Carrying the gospel to people, and miraculous power available to the humble believer who repents of his sin (harmfulness).
Episode Interrelations
Principle Passages
CORE: Miraculous power available to the humble believer who repents of his sin
(harmfulness); use that power to save people. Repent and follow Jesus, and then call others to repent and follow
Jesus. Jesus conquered death and has authority over all life;
therefore carry the gospel,
baptize people, and teach them to apply God's will, the principles.
Click Episode Interrelations to see the
gospel episode principle interrelations used to form the Core Interrelations.
Click Principle Passages to see the Scripture involving the subject teaching.
Click study guide for more information about this and the Word Universe. Or click Site Overview.
lets others know that you know Christ
Core Interrelations
Our believing in Jesus will bring us into heaven. God loves us and lives with us. And
through Jesus, we can overcome our own harmful desires.
Jesus sends us to carry the gospel to people; if they accept us they accept Him and God.
They will know we are His disciples by our love for each other.
The world will know Jesus came from God and that God loves us when they see we believers are in God, and when they see the way believers love each other and the complete unity God brings about in us, which is a glorious thing.
And these are things we pray about; that God will protect us from evil, make us one with each other, and set us apart by the truth of His word.
Serve, and do some of the lowly work.
Major Connections
+ Believing in Jesus, and God loving us and living in us.
+ God loving us and living in us, and overcoming our own harmful desires.
+ God loving us and living in us, and loving and having unity with each other.
+ Believer's love for and unity with each other, and people knowing we are Jesus' disciples.
+ Believer's love for and unity with each other, and people knowing that Jesus came from God, and that God loves us.
+ Believers love and unity with each other, and praying for God to make us one, protect us from evil, and set us apart by the truth of His word.
+ Loving, and serving.
Episode Interrelations
Principle Passages
CORE: Serve, and do some of the lowly work. Jesus sends us to carry the gospel to people;
if they accept us they accept Him and God. They will
know we are His disciples by our love for each other.
And through Jesus, we can overcome our own harmful desires. The
world will know Jesus came from God and that God loves us when they see we believers are in God, and when they see the way believers love
each other and the complete unity God
brings about in us, which is a glorious thing. And
these are things we pray about; that God will protect us from evil, make us one with each
other, and set us apart by the truth of His word. Our believing in Jesus will bring us
into heaven. God loves us and lives with us.
Click Episode Interrelations to see the
gospel episode principle interrelations used to form the Core Interrelations.
Click Principle Passages to see the Scripture involving the subject teaching.
Click study guide for more information about this and the Word Universe. Or click Site Overview.
Core Interrelations
"The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!" Go tell
everyone. Jesus is our Life! Through His death on the cross and resurrection three days later we receive forgiveness of our sins and eternal life, when we repent and believe in Him as the Christ, the Son of God. Then God
lives in us! Go tell others the gospel so they can have
Him too!
Don't be afraid! Jesus gives us His peace and the Holy Spirit to live inside us as we go out and tell others about Him. God will enable you and bless you with peace, so have no fear. Don't be insensitive to His words! Don't doubt, believe Jesus is alive and in your life.
More people are needed to tell about Jesus, people who will freely give the blessings of Christ. God will maintain the needs of these workers.
Disclose to people the reality of Christ that you know.
Go to people who know they are sick, know they are afflicted with doing harm to themselves and others. Be merciful to them, tell them the gospel. This is more important than sacrificial giving to God.
Whoever acknowledges Jesus before people, Jesus will acknowledge him before God the Father. Whoever disowns Jesus before people, Jesus will disown him before God the Father.
The gospel brings many conflicts between people; you must love Jesus the most and endure persecution, though this is difficult, to be worthy of relationship with Jesus.
Do not be afraid of those that kill the body but cannot kill the soul.
Major Connections
+ Talking to people about Jesus, and repenting and believing in Him.
+ Talking to people about Jesus, and God living in us and enabling us to do it.
+ God living in us and enabling us to talk to people about Jesus, and not being afraid or doubting we can do it.
+ Talking to people about Jesus, and Jesus giving us His peace.
+ Talking to people about Jesus, and freely giving the blessings of Christ.
+ Talking to people about Jesus, and disclosing to people the reality of Christ that you know.
+ Talking to people about Jesus, and going to people who know they are sick, know they are harmdoers.
+ Talking to people about Jesus, and being merciful.
+ Talking to people about Jesus, and God maintaining your needs.
+ Acknowledging Jesus before people, and Jesus acknowledging you before God the Father.
+ Talking to people about Jesus, conflicts between people, enduring persecution, and loving Jesus.
+ Talking to people about Jesus, and not being afraid of those that kill the body but cannot kill the soul.
- Disowning Jesus before people, and being disowned by Jesus before
God the Father.
Principle Passages
CORE: "The kingdom of God is near.
Repent and believe the good news!" Go tell everyone. Jesus gives us His peace and the
Holy Spirit to live inside us as we go out and tell
others about Him. Don't doubt, believe Jesus is
alive and in your life. Jesus is our Life! Through His death on the cross and resurrection three days later we receive forgiveness of our sins and eternal life, when we repent and believe in Him as the Christ, the Son of God. Then God
lives in us! Go tell others the gospel so they can have Him too! Don't be afraid! God will enable
you and bless you with peace, so have no fear. Don't be insensitive to His words! More people are needed to tell about Jesus, people who will freely give the blessings of Christ. God will maintain
the needs of these workers. Disclose to people the
reality of Christ that you know. Do not be afraid of those
that kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Whoever acknowledges
Jesus before people, Jesus will acknowledge him before God
the Father. Whoever disowns Jesus before people, Jesus will disown him before God the
Father. The gospel brings many conflicts between people; you must love Jesus the most and
endure persecution, though this is difficult, to be worthy of relationship with Jesus. Go to people who know they are sick, know they are afflicted with
doing harm to themselves and others. Be merciful to them, tell them the gospel. This is more important than sacrificial
giving to God.
Click Episode Interrelations to see the
gospel episode principle interrelations used to form the Core Interrelations.
Click Principle Passages to see the Scripture involving the subject teaching.
Click study guide for more information about this and the Word Universe. Or click Site Overview.
Core Interrelations
More people are needed to tell about Jesus, people who will freely give the blessings of
Christ. Disclose to people the reality of Christ that you know. Broadcast the principles
as you apply them yourself. As we sow the word of the gospel in receptive peoples
hearts, God makes it grow.
Openly showing others the evidence of God in your life will be rewarded with more life from God. God will maintain your needs as you do the work of telling others the gospel.
Whoever acknowledges Jesus before people, Jesus will acknowledge him before God the Father. Whoever disowns Jesus before people, Jesus will disown him before God the Father.
As you love, some who belong to the world and hate God may hate you for speaking about Jesus. Many people will hate you because of Jesus and call you evil, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. Tell people about Jesus, even though some misjudge and hurt you. You will be out among some devouring, cunning unbelievers, so be shrewd and innocent. God will give you words to say to them. Then flee the scene. Do not be afraid of those that kill the body but cannot kill the soul.
The Holy Spirit is here in the world convicting people of where they stand before God, and making the Father's principles known to us. Insensitivity (hard-heartedness) prevents people from really hearing and understanding God's message. God will punish those who do not welcome or listen to you.
Believing in Jesus brings God's love into your life, and through Him you can overcome this troublesome world.
Major Connections
+ Not holding back, and more people being needed to tell others about Jesus.
+ Not holding back, and freely giving the blessings of Christ.
+ Not holding back, and disclosing to people the reality of Christ that you know, openly showing others the evidence of God in your life.
+ Not holding back, and sowing the word of the gospel in receptive peoples hearts.
+ Not holding back, and broadcasting the principles.
+ Not holding back, and being rewarded with more life from God.
+ Doing the work of telling people the gospel, and God maintaining your needs.
+ Acknowledging Jesus before people, Jesus acknowledging you before God the Father.
+ Not holding back, and telling people about Jesus even though some misjudge and hurt you.
+ Not holding back, and being shrewd and innocent around cunning and devouring unbelievers.
+ Not holding back, and God giving you words to say to those who hate, misjudge, and hurt you for speaking about Jesus.
+ Not holding back, and not being afraid of those that kill the body but cannot kill the soul, standing firm to the end.
+ Not holding back, and the Holy Spirit convicting people of where they stand before God, making the Father's principles known to us.
+ Not holding back, and believers in Jesus having God's love in their lives, and overcoming this troublesome world through Him.
- Disowning Jesus before people, and being disowned by Jesus before God the
Principle Passages
Click Episode Interrelations to see the
gospel episode principle interrelations used to form the Core Interrelations.
Click Principle Passages to see the Scripture involving the subject teaching.
Click study guide for more information about this and the Word Universe. Or click Site Overview.
Core Interrelations
Jesus is the only true way to eternal life with God. Do not be troubled. Trust in Jesus,
and believe that He is coming back to take us to heaven.
Jesus sends us to carry the gospel to people. They will know we are His disciples by our love for each other.
Openly show others the evidence of God in your life. Disclose to people the reality of Christ that you know. Serve, and do some of the lowly work.
If people accept us they accept Jesus and God. Whoever receives you because of your relationship with Jesus will receive a reward as though he had that kind of relationship with Jesus.
As we sow the word of the gospel in receptive peoples hearts, God makes it grow.
As we do these things we will be rewarded with more life from God.
The gospel brings many conflicts between people; you must love Jesus the most and endure
persecution, though this is difficult, to be worthy of relationship with Jesus.
Whoever acknowledges Jesus before people, Jesus will acknowledge him before God the Father. Whoever disowns Jesus before people, Jesus will disown him before God the Father.
If you die for Jesus, you will find life. If you stay alive by disowning Jesus, you'll loose life.
Do not be afraid of those that kill the body but cannot kill the soul.
Major Connections
+ Our role, and telling others the gospel.
+ Our role, and loving other believers.
+ Our role, and openly showing others the evidence of God in our lives, disclosing the reality of Christ we know.
+ Our role, and serving, doing some of the lowly work.
+ People accepting us, and people accepting Christ.
+ People accepting us, and people being rewarded by God.
+ Our role, and sowing the word of God in receptive people's hearts.
+ Fulfilling our role, and being rewarded with more life from God.
+ Our role, and not being afraid of those that kill the body but cannot kill the soul.
+ Fulfilling our role, and enduring persecution and conflict arising from telling people the gospel, acknowledging Jesus.
- Not fulfilling our role, disowning Jesus before people, and being disowned by Jesus, loosing life.
Principle Passages
CORE: Openly showing others the evidence of God in
your life will be rewarded with more life from God. As we sow
the word of the gospel in receptive peoples hearts, God
makes it grow. Serve, and do some of the lowly work.
Jesus sends us to carry the gospel to people; if they accept us they
accept Him and God. They will know we are His
disciples by our love for each other. Do not be troubled. Trust in Jesus, and believe that
He is coming back to take us to heaven. Jesus is the only true way to eternal life with
God the Father. Disclose to people the reality of Christ that
you know. Do not be afraid of those that kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Whoever
acknowledges Jesus before people, Jesus will acknowledge him before God the Father.
Whoever disowns Jesus before people, Jesus will disown him before God the Father. The
gospel brings many conflicts between people; you must love Jesus the most and endure
persecution, though this is difficult, to be worthy of relationship with Jesus. If you die
for Jesus, you will find life. If you stay alive by disowning Jesus, you'll loose life. Whoever receives you because of your relationship with Jesus will receive
a reward as though he had that kind of relationship with
Click Episode Interrelations to see the
gospel episode principle interrelations used to form the Core Interrelations.
Click Principle Passages to see the Scripture involving the subject teaching.
Click study guide for more information about this and the Word Universe. Or click Site Overview.