Closest related principles - Core Interrelations taken
from interrelations below.
...You can't tell
right from wrong when you're so caught up with
running after money and worldly things.
...Only Jesus our Savior can distract us from our worldly pursuits; He provides.
...Once you start judging
Love, give and do good to, bless and pray for your enemies, those who hate you, curse you, and mistreat you. Do to others as you would have them do to you. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. Be merciful to people and do not judge or condemn them; forgive them. Give, and a good overflowing measure will be poured back to you. Doing what Jesus says will make you solid as a rock, disregard and at some point you will be quickly destroyed. (principles from LK6:20-49)
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