Study Guide  

God will separate us into two groups

Closest related principles - Core Interrelations taken from interrelations below.

As you begin really hearing (understanding) God's message, He will enable you to hear more and more. If you're insensitive, you won't sense God, and His presence and way will not enable you. Giving helps you get out of yourself and become sensitive to others. Believing produces growing which produces believing, and on and on. This is the path which is opposite to separation from God and doom. When you get to keep what you want, you give up the rest; if you don't want the Lord you will be separated from Him and judged unfavorably for not listening to the Teacher. (principles from MT13:1-13:52)

God the Father and Jesus his Son continue working. They are together and show the principles by what they do. Jesus gives life to whom he is pleased to give it, and He has been given authority to judge whether we believe His word and do good (whether we really love the Lord more than our selfish ways), because as a man he knows us. Those who do these things have eternal life, those who don't will be condemned. Jesus seeks to please God the Father, and judges according to His principles. Jesus' work shows He came from the Father. Believing in Jesus brings God and his word into you, so don't refuse him and side with others. Refusing to put effort into following his teachings keeps people from believing. Believe and live! (principles from JH5:16-5:47)

Even though we are all so frail, Jesus is coming back to Judge, looking to see who overcame their harmful desires and is applying the principles (one is believing in Him); so apply them now, don't wait, it's essential, essential, essential, the Judge is coming! He will separate those who applied them from those who didn't. (principles from MT24:3-26:2)

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