Study Guide  


Core Interrelations

Do to others as you would have them do to you. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High.

Give, and a good overflowing measure will be poured back to you.

When you start serving others and have your relationships with others inline with the principles in spite of all the problems that come up, and this involves A LOT of forgiving and mercy (these are the fruits of true believing), then you can ask what you wish from the Father, and it is yours.

Be merciful to people and do not judge or condemn them; forgive them.

Don't cause others to sin; there is a heavy price to pay. Forgive your brother when he repents. Humble serving is our duty.

We worship from start to end and along the way we overcome our frail harmful nature, after applying God's will to our life; giving up the worldly things and forgiving each other.

Divorcing your spouse and then marrying someone else is adultery (unless the one you divorced was maritally unfaithful, see MT 19:9); don't be insensitive to (hard-hearted toward) what Jesus says.

Major Connections

+    Forgiving, and having mercy on people.

+    Forgiving, and doing to others as you would have them do to you.

+    Forgiving, and giving to people.

+    Forgiving, and not judging or condemning people.

+    Forgiving, and not divorcing.

+    Forgiving, and humble serving.

+    Forgiving, and not causing others to sin.

+    Forgiving, and overcoming our frail harmful nature.

+    Forgiving, the fruits of true believing, and having whatever we ask of God.

-    Not forgiving, and hard-heartedness.

-    Not forgiving, and divorce.

Episode Interrelations
Principle Passages

CORE: We worship from start to end and along the way we overcome our frail harmful nature, after applying God's will to our life; giving up the worldly things and
forgiving each other. Do to others as you would have them do to you. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. Be merciful to people and do not judge or condemn them; forgive them. Give, and a good overflowing measure will be poured back to you. When you start serving others and have your relationships with others inline with the principles in spite of all the problems that come up, and this involves A LOT of forgiving and mercy (these are the fruits of true believing), then you can ask what you wish from the Father, and it is yours. Divorcing your spouse and then marrying someone else is adultery (unless the one you divorced was maritally unfaithful, see MT 19:9); don't be insensitive to what Jesus says. Don't cause others to sin; there is a heavy price to pay. Forgive your brother when he repents. Humble serving is our duty.

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