Bible Study On Jesus Christ Download
Click the first download link below to install a copy of the webpages from this site onto
your computer, (Life of Love and Faith summaries will be near the bottom of the
home page). An icon will be placed on your desktop and in the start programs
menu under Word Universe.
Double-clicking the icon will open your web browser and load Bible Study on Jesus Christ
from your computer's hard disk drive. In this way you can use the study without being on
the Internet.
System requirements: Windows 95/98/2000/NT/ME/XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10/11, BSJC also runs on MAC, 22 Megabytes hard disk space.
Download version 4.8.3:
If you would like to download and install the above study and Word in the World version 1.5.10, requires 28 Megabytes hard disk space, click the following:
The intent of Word in the World is that you can just type in what's going on in your life or how you feel in whatever words come to mind. If you want Scripture to guide and strengthen you in a certain situation, type in the situation and say what you need. Something's bothering or troubling you, type it in. Or if you want to know what God has to say about various issues, and how He deals with them, describe the issue and ask questions.
The downloads are .zip files because .exe file downloads cannot be done on the
webserver hosting the website.
When the file download dialog box appears, click on 'Save' the file. Then unzip the file (using WinZip for instance). Next double-click the Bible_Study_on_Jesus_Christ_Setup.exe or Bible_Study_on_Jesus_Christ_WitW_Setup.exe file and follow the installation instructions.
The .exe installation file included in the .zip file has a Comodo digital signature certificate verifyng publisher (Word Universe, Inc.) authenticity. Note: .zip files cannot be signed. Depending on your web-browser settings, a dialog box may appear asking if you want to install the file. Click 'Yes'.
If you wish to verify that the .exe has been signed with a digital certificate, right click the .exe installation file and click Properties, then click on the Digital Signatures tab.
The new 2024 side-by-side NIV/ESV New Testament with highlighting/bolding/underlining (legend at bottom):
Okay, this is a very wide document that may take some setting adjustments to see clearly on your screen:) Because it's NIV/ESV/KJV
However, it is most spectacular (again, legend at the bottom, silver on KJV shows what is different from both NIV & ESV):
To download the Word Universe 3-D software:
Scope Out, Launch
If this page was shown after clicking a search engine link, and there is no
city picture on the screen, click Site Overview.